Xiaomi 12 Pro 120W Fast Charging Test- SAMSUNG Should BE upset!

In today’s video, we will be doing a charging test of this brand new Show Me to probe. I have recently purchased this device. And one of the main highlight of this phone is that it supports one 20 orts fast charging.

Unlike other brands show me provides you this massive one 20 orts bowl inside the box itself. So you do not have to buy it independently. Now coming to the device, it has a veritably decent,600 image battery. And the company claims it should completely charge this device around 20 twinkles of time. With that being said, let’s check out how presto the bowl is, guys.

It is going to be a very interesting video. So stay tuned and watch it till the variant end. Also let me know in the comment section, how many words charger you are using to charge your phone with that said drop a, like leave a comment analyst get started. Now as you can see, I have completely drained the battery and it has got only 1% left.

Let me quickly go to these settings then to battery and turn on this option called boost fast charging. Now let’s connect this device to the charger and we will see how much time does it take to fully charge from one to hundred percent. So five minutes and it is already 28%, which is quite impressive.

Guys. We are close to 15 minutes and it is 62%. While we have already crossed the 20 minutes mark. In fact it is 25 minutes and the show me 12 pro is a 94%.

So guys, it takes around 30 minutes for the Xiaomi 12 pro to fully charge from one to hundred. The company claims that it should fully charge within 20 minutes, but it didn’t happen. And it took additional 10 minutes, which is still impressive. Being a Samsung user. I really wish Samsung improves the charging speed. Even if you purchase 44 words charger, it still takes more than one hour, which is not a great thing.

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