6 MINUTES AGO: Robert Downey Jr Reacted to Johnny Depp’s Message to Kraken The Box

I found this video on one old page and decided to share it with you. We all know very well what kind of friendship between Robert Down Jr. and Johnny Depp has developed for many years. It has been written many times that after Depp’s trials, Down called him and personally congratulated him. Also, when Depp invited Robert and his wife to his house for dinner, Jack Depp’s reaction was unexpected.

Johnny Depp will remember this day for the rest of his life. With that, Downey Jr. has constantly urged the Sherlock Holmes team to include Depp in their third installment of the series, and he did so for one reason only, which will surprise you. Depp’s message to Corey also went viral on the internet.

This behavior of Johnny Depp is not surprising, because he has been doing this for many years and this pleases little Corey very much. For people like Corey, a message like this can comfort those whose lives have been disrupted by severe illnesses. Let’s start from the beginning and explain everything.

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