Hottest Trends From The World of One UI 4.1 vs iOS 16 Lock Screen Comparison – Samsung Better Than Apple?

How is it going? Everybody Mr. Here? Well, apple has finally released iOS 16 and one of the most popular features that everyone is talking about is the log stream customization. I have already installed the IO 16 beta on my iPhone 12. And I thought, why not? Go ahead and compare this revamped IO 16 lock screen with one of the most customizable Android skins.

That is the one way, 4.1 for that being said, state tune and watch this video till the very end. Let me know in the conversation, whether you prefer iOS or Samsung, one UA guys let’s aim for at least 1000 likes on this one. So, drop a like lever commit and let’s get started. First let’s talk about the I us 16, and then we will move on to the one, 4.1 in I, us 16, when a long press on the log screen, I now get two brand new options that are the customized tab.

And then we have also got this plus icon. If I click on customize, it lets me change the clock font and even the color as well. So now you can easily customize your clock according to the wallpaper, which you have set on the log. Not only this, you can also add a bunch of useful widgets on the lock screen.

You can add calendar, battery reminders, and even you can add stocks and weather widget. I really like this feature because you don’t have to unlock your device just to check your phones, battery. And the best part is you can access all your reminders directly from the lock screen itself. Apart from this.

If I tap on this, plus I icon, I get access to a lot of cool wallpapers that I can set on my lock screen. I really like this live weather and astronomical wallpapers. They look really nice with some beautiful animations. Now, finally, if I talk about notifications, they are now shown in the bottom part of your screen.

So, you can easily access with just one hand. I think apple did a great job. Not only they have added some cool features, but they have also improved the user experience. Moving on. Let’s talk about the one, 4.1. If I go into these settings and then to log screen, even Samsung likes you to change and customize the clock style.

You can change the color as for the wallpaper that is on your log screen. Similar to I 16, you can add some useful widgets onto your log screen, like the music, weather widget. Then you can add alarm and digital wellbeing widget, which basically shows you how many apps have you used. Once you are done adding all the widgets on the lock screen, you just need to tap on this clock to access all those widgets, which you have added.

Other than this. I also like how Samsung gives us the freedom to change the app shortcuts as per your requirement. In my iPhone 12, I can only turn on the Torchlight or access my camera, but when it comes to only 4.1, I can access my most used applications like WhatsApp and YouTube. Guys, if you want to unlock some more features on your galaxy device, you can head over to the galaxy store and download Goodlock.

It is not a third-party application it’s made by Samsung, especially for Samsung devices. Once done, simply install the lock star module, and then go inside lock star. Here. I can actually change the position of each and every limit that is appearing on the lock screen. Let’s say, if we want to change the position of this clock, I can easily do that.

I can also enable or disable the status. And even I can make the notifications appears at the bottom, just like the us 16. The best part is it. Let’s you add up to six app shortcuts onto your log screen. I can add up to six applications and access all of them directly from a log screen. Apart from this, if you install another good lock module called clock phase, you can access more clock styles and customize your lock screen.

Even further. Basically, you get a lot of unique features when it comes to only 4.1 and it changes the entire way. How your lock screen. Guys. I really like what apple did with the iOS 16. They added some really nice features, but I would still go with the Samsung when you 4.1, because if you install Goodlock, then it offers so many features by using which you can take your log screen to the next level.

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